Frequent Questions

How long the creation of a company in the United States takes?

The creation of a company can take 3 to 7 days

How much capital do I require to start a business in the United States?

In the United States you do not need the contribution of capital to open a company.

After opening a business in the United States, I must renew annually?

Yes, the LLCs and Corporations must be renewed annually and the cost depends on where this constituted, we can help with this process, if you do not renew your company at the end of the year the state will close it automatically.

Besides register my company in the United States, what another process should I do?

Once registered your company, you must fill your EIN which will be its number of federal identification, you also must fill out records for payment of sales tax and other local taxes, do not forget that depending on the activity of your company, you must also processing permits and licenses, please contact us guide you in this process.

Do I need a special visa to open a business in the United States?

It is not necessary a visa to start a business in the United States, you can do it from your country, we can register your company without your presence; however, will be necessary a visa to travel to open your bank account and to operate your business; but if you do not have a visa, call us to find a solution.

To set up my business do I need to partner with a resident or US citizen?

Not, a partner in the US is not necessary to incorporate your business, but to operate the business may require an employee, representative or local partner. It is important to note that even if you own your company legally, you cannot work on it without proper immigration status. The visa B1 / B2, tourist and business lets you travel to have business appointments, but not to work, even for your own company.

Do I need initial capital to open a bank account?

Yes, the amount is up to each bank, but is about a thousand dollars as a first opening deposit.

To start a business do I need more than one partner?

No, you can incorporate a one partner company, who is equally authority of it

What kind of company is the most appropriate for a foreigner in USA? What is the most used?

The limited liability company (LLC) may have more advantages over the Corporation and is usually the most used by foreign businessmen, but we must evaluate each case.

If I want to export only, could I open a company in the United States for this purpose?

Yes, many foreign-born entrepreneurs start foreign trade activities with the United States, using a company incorporated in the country of their property. Your company will allow you to set prices and export conditions more convenient, we can guide you in this regard; it is important to consider that you should get operating permits and licenses and must report taxes.

To open a company in the United State, I must have an address?

Yes. For registration and operation of your company you need to have an address in USA, this allows you to open bank accounts and receive communications from the federal government.

If I want to run a company in the US, I must hire employees?

For the operation of a company in the US is not required to hire employees, even though if you intend to apply for an investor visa, this could be a condition, contact us to guide you.

When I register a company in the United States I must hire an accountant?

No, American laws do not require hiring an accountant, you can take your own accounts and sign your tax return, however, if you want to work only in the purpose of your business or your operation is complex, it is advisable to hire a consultant in accounting and taxes, contact us for advice.

To issue invoices in my company, I should authorize the issuance?

No, the federal or state government does not require registration of invoices.

If I open a company in the United States I have the right to live in the country and have a social security number?

Each case must be studied by an immigration attorney.

If I have a company in USA, may I do changes in the registration or close it if I wanted to?

Yes, you can make the changes you want, contact us to help with the process.

Do I have prospective customers or assets in the United States, you can help me to serve them?

Yes, we can be your sales agent in the United States, contact us for help.

I want to open business in US, but do not know anyone, I can’t open an office?

You do not need to know anyone or have your own office, with all the costs and administrative burden that this entails, Gora World Group becomes your office and trustworthy person, through our virtual office and registered agent, contact us to help you.


407 Wekiva Springs Rd, Longwood, FL 32779, USA

Representatives in California, Portugal and Colombia